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What to Know

While we strive to offer a vast choice of Moos, there are a many reasons someone might want custom! A few might be for party favors, grab bags, promotional events, or to represent something special! Each tier of customization has a different minimum and pricing structure:

1. Simple Text

  • Starting Price: $2

  • Minimum Quantity: 1

  • Color Limitations: 1 color

  • Available Models: Dairy, Dairy of Heart, or Starry

2. Color Striping

  • Starting Price: $15

  • Minimum Quantity: 12-pack

  • Color Limitations: 3 colors

  • Available Models: Starry

3. Colored Text

  • Starting Price: $30

  • Minimum Quantity: 12-pack

  • Color Limitations: 2 colors, base and accent (plus eye-color)

  • Available Models: Dairy, Highland, or Starry 

4. Branded

  • Starting Price: varies

  • Minimum Quantity: 50

  • Color Limitations: 8-colors

  • Available Models: almost any pre-existing design can be modified for this purpose

5. Custom Design

  • Starting Price: varies

  • Minimum Quantity: 50

  • Color Limitations: 8-colors

  • Available Models: N/A as this is to request an entirely new design. Please note, exclusivity of custom designs are not included and must be discussed upfront if you're looking for exclusivity.

Additional Considerations

State Moos
  • Exist outside of this program and have their own page, available here, which has more information.

Request Limitations
  • Just as I do not wish for my designs to be copied without my written permission, I cannot copy other Trademarked (text) or Copyrighted (design) material. This includes but is not limited to sports teams, universities, and pre-defined characters.

Bulk Pricing
  • Bulk pricing starts at 100 of a single-design. Furthermore, custom moos and bulk orders do not qualify for Moo-wards.

Lead Time

Request a Custom Design

Below is a general outline of the steps:

  1. Request will be reviewed and follow-up questions may be asked.

  2. A proof will be sent along with color options for approval or tweaks.

  3. If accepted, a price quote will be sent for review; please remember, you are still under no obligation and can withdraw.

  4. If both the proof and quote are accepted, an invoice will be sent via email; either 50% down is required or some pay in full.​

  5. A final product photo will be sent, at which point final payment is due (if only 50% was put down).

  6. The moos are packed and shipped!

Upload Reference Photo

Thanks for submitting!

Don't Want to Commit?

We also offer the option to submit an idea; though we can't promise we'll be able to add your idea to our standard line-up, we're always open to hearing what people want!

Would you like to be notified if released?

Thanks for submitting!

Copyright 2024 - All Rights Reserved. Collectimoo is a trademark of ShayKay Studio. Furthermore, the base shape used for the Collectimoo line and all subsequent designs are the creation and intellectual property of ShayKay Studio and are not to be copied or have their likeness replicated.

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